Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Do I need to perform from memory for the audition?

A: No, the Preliminary Round does not need to be performed from memory. Once you advance to the live rounds, memorization is required.

Q: Do I need to perform with an accompanist?

A: No, an accompanist is not required for the Preliminary Round

Q: Do I need a professional studio quality audio and video recording?

A: While you want to create the best audio/visual possible, you may use whatever device you have available to you. Keep in mind that you’ll want to use good lighting so we can see you and a quiet room with no distractions so we can hear you clearly.

Q: Can I begin my application one day and come back the next?
A: Yes, you may begin your application and come back at a later date or time to complete. Your information will be saved for you to submit prior to the final deadline.

Q: May I apply to the competition on multiple instruments

Yes, if you play 2 instruments(Violin and Viola for example), you may apply on both instruments.

Q: When will I find out the results?

A: Results will be sent out via email approximately 3 weeks following the deadline

Q: Does Sphinx offer feedback during the Preliminary Round?

A: Unfortunately Sphinx does not offer feedback during the Preliminary Round. Feedback is only offered during the live Semi Finals and Finals round.

Q: Can I apply if I was a previous winner of the Sphinx Competition?

A: Honorable mention, 2nd Place, 3rd Place, and Audience Choice Award winners may re-apply if they have not place 1st in that specific division. 1st place winners of a division may not re-apply for that division.

Q: Is there benefit to applying even if I’m not selected for the Semi-Finals round?

Yes, musicians may still be informed of eligible programs from Sphinx. You may be asked to perform as a section member of our Sphinx Honors Orchestra to perform during the Jr. Division Finals, automatically selected to participate in Sphinx Orchestral Partners Audition, or selected as a Fellow for SphinxConnect where you can experience the competition live.

Q: Other than performing in the competition rounds, are there other activities that are required for participants?
A: Yes, because the Sphinx Competition is a holistic experience that is intended to enhance and enrich your musical career, all activities that appear on the itinerary you will receive are mandatory. These may include masterclasses, luncheons, panel discussions, or networking events.


Repertoire Requirements


For More Information