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Jocy de Oliveira
Works for Cello
For cello (1996), for cello and electroacoustic means.
Who cares if she cries? (2003), for cello and voice. Edited by http://musicabrasilis.org.br/partituras/jocy-de-oliveira-who-cares-if-she-cries-voz-e-violoncelo.
Berceuse pour père Igor (2010), for cello and electronics.
Grove Music Online: https://www-oxfordmusiconline-com.libezp.lib.lsu.edu/grovemusic/view/10.1093/gmo/9781561592630.001.0001/omo-9781561592630-e-0000044186?rskey=3eA9fK
Musica Brasilis: https://musicabrasilis.com/composers/jocy-de-oliveira
Jocy de Oliveira
Brazilian composer, born April 11, 1936.
Born in Curitiba, Brazil, Jocy de Oliveira studied piano in her home country and in Europe. In 1963 she moved to the United States and graduated with her Masters of Music from the Washington University, where she studied with Robert Wykes.
Jocy de Oliveira is one of the main female composers in Brazil, having also published four books about music. She has written major multimedia operas, also working with electronic media mixed with acoustic instruments and music installations.
Oliveira taught at universities in the United States and was responsible for promoting contemporary music in Brazil. She was a soloist with major orchestras, having pieces written for her by composers such as Berio and Xenakis. She also performed with Stravinsky as a conductor.